2.11 Drone paths

Drones don't have to be imported in the track, just edit this textfile to get drones. Look for the names in data/drones/drones.txt. Then open the track's textfile, and go to "Start of drone paths".
2	 	 // Version
9		 // Number of nodes in the track.

// 0:	 , these are just notes, but write them, so you can find them more easily. (1, 2, 3...)

-3 , 0 , -5		// Position of this node in the world.
DRONECAR1		// Drone which starts to drive from here, or NONE.
0			// (?)
2			// Number of next possible destinations, see note 1.
   1, 0,0,0		// Node's identifier (the first number), where drone drives next.
   4, 0,0,0		// In this case, it goes either from 0 to 1, or from 0 to 4.

[Now one node is done. Continue with next node]
// 1:
Note 1: You can set the drone to drive normally from node 1 to node 2, but you can also make the drone to choose their next destination by putting two or more for this value. That's useful in intersections.

2.10 Opponent paths Back to index 2.12 Material modifiers